Oamaru Bridge Club        

 An affiliated member of Otago Southland Regional Bridge

Club Profile

The Oamaru Bridge Club is located in the centre of Oamaru. In 1962 local bridge players wanted more than the rubber bridge played at home and decided to form the Oamaru Bridge Club. Many returned servicemen had experienced the game overseas.

The club started off with 41 members and in 1963 regular duplicate bridge was underway in Oamaru.

We became affiliated to the New Zealand Bridge Association in 1964. As the membership increased, the club had a need for its own home. Over the years several buildings were used and in 1980 the Gospel Hall was purchased and adapted to be able to play bridge in one room. Many volunteer hours were put in to achieve this. The club has been in this building since and is proud of this achievement.

At present we have 125 members. Our members coming from as far as: The Hakataramea Valley, Kurow and Tokarahi.

The club is strong and full of confidence for the future. This could only be done with the help of many volunteers.

We have 2 divisions:

Bronze divisionplays on Monday at 7.00 pm.
Silver divisionplays on Tuesday at 7.00 pm.

On Thursday at 7 pm both divisions can play with some competitions that require a bronze/silver player combination.

Friday afternoon at 1 pm is for a social game of bridge in a relaxed atmosphere.

Visitors are always welcome, except on evenings that we have a teams competition. We have a fixed number of tables and no room to accept visitors during that night.

Please check the program page to see what kind of competition there is on a certain day.

Please be seated 10 minutes before play has been scheduled to start so we can set up the room.


Subscription is $ 110.00.
Non-Home members $ 77.00.
Learners Classes $ 50.00
Learners Membership $ 25.00
Table money is $ 4.00.


Our Sponsors are:

Andy AndersonBuilding03-437 0332 or 027 210 3383
Audiology SouthHearing Services0800 547 836
Crombie & PriceNatural Health Products03-434 8311
Driving Miss DaisyCompanion Driving03 434 8421 or 021 503 680
Hope & Associates Legal Matters03-434 9930
Oamaru IT Solutions Computer Service and Sales03-434 6487
Waitaki RefrigerationHeat pumps and Cooling 03 434 7997
Whitestone Funerals LtdFuneral Services03-434 8812

Tournaments for 2024

9 March:Oamaru Open graded Pairs. See program page
24 May:Riding for the Disabled Fundraiser "
29 June:Oamaru all Grades. "
17 August:Oamaru Jun/Int Pairs. "
21 Sept :St John Fundraiser. "
14 November:NZ Wide Pairs. "


Learners classes will start on a Monday 17th of February at 7.15 pm

Learners fee is set at $ 50.00 for about 10 classes, an extra $25.00 when you want to become a member.

Contact: Margie Baird 027 756 3588

or email us at: oamarubridgeclub@gmail.com

Where to find us

The club is located at the corner of Steward Street and Medway Street Oamaru.

This is in the centre of Oamaru and close to the swimming pool.

For directions go to Google Maps.

Paid parking is available beside the club rooms.

Contact us

Postal address:187 Eden Street Oamaru 9400
President:Margie Baird 027 756 3588
Secretary:Alison Brown 021 073 0796
Treasurer:Graham Mills 027 248 2399
Match Secretary:Theo Jordens 027 298 5407
Tournament Secretary:Liz Drew 021 0236 2234
Bank account Oamaru Bridge Club 03 0937 0148928 00