Oamaru Bridge Club        

 An affiliated member of Otago Southland Regional Bridge
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NS pairs

EW pairs

Hand records

Datum value is the average score. Where a bracketed value is included this is calculated without the outliers.
Detailed data for

Monday Individual (2021) 7 June

NS pair 1

Section b

Joan Gally-McLellan
Raylene Nuttall
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**4-10000 - 01.4
20**405001.2 - 00.2
30**417000.8 - 00.6
40**311001.2 - 00.2
50**314001.4 - 00
60**3-5000.2 - 01.2
70**20-999.9 - 0-999.9
83**80-999.9 - 0-999.9
93**80-999.9 - 0-999.9
100**110000.8 - 00.6
110**117000.9 - 00.5
120**105001 - 00.4
130**9-20000 - 01.4
140**9-20000.2 - 01.2
150**914000.9 - 00.5
160**811001.2 - 00.2
170**842001.3 - 00.1
180**8-11000.2 - 01.2
190**709000.9 - 00.5
200**711001 - 00.4
210**765000.8 - 00.6
220**6-13000.9 - 00.5
230**615000.2 - 01.2
240**6-432000 - 01.4
250**542000.9 - 00.5
260**5-10000.9 - 00.5
270**5-42000.2 - 01.2

NS pair 2

Section b

Betty Strachan
Jenny Malcolm
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**648001.4 - 00
20**605001.2 - 00.2
30**620001.2 - 00.2
40**511001.2 - 00.2
50**5-14000.4 - 01
60**512001.3 - 00.1
70**4-20000 - 01.4
82**117000.6 - 00.8
92**1-5000.7 - 00.7
100**30-999.9 - 0-999.9
110**30-999.9 - 0-999.9
120**30-999.9 - 0-999.9
130**209000.4 - 01
140**2-17000.8 - 00.6
150**2-10000.2 - 01.2
160**1-15000.5 - 00.9
170**1-10000.1 - 01.3
180**1-5000.5 - 00.9
190**9-5000.6 - 00.8
200**9-65000 - 01.4
210**9-40000 - 01.4
220**8-15000.6 - 00.8
230**830000.7 - 00.7
240**8-45000.4 - 01
250**720000.5 - 00.9
260**7-320000 - 01.4
270**7-17000.8 - 00.6

NS pair 4

Section b

Eunice Muldrew
Heather McCulloch
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**140000.6 - 00.8
20**1-14000.4 - 01
30**118001 - 00.4
40**908000.7 - 00.7
50**9-11000.7 - 00.7
60**9-5000.2 - 01.2
70**8110001.4 - 00
89**517000.6 - 00.8
99**5-5000.7 - 00.7
100**7-8000 - 01.4
110**705000.2 - 01.2
120**7-10000.7 - 00.7
130**620001.3 - 00.1
140**6-17000.8 - 00.6
150**605000.5 - 00.9
160**50-999.9 - 0-999.9
170**50-999.9 - 0-999.9
180**50-999.9 - 0-999.9
190**4-5000.6 - 00.8
200**4-13000.5 - 00.9
210**465000.8 - 00.6
220**3-66000 - 01.4
230**317000.5 - 00.9
240**3-45000.4 - 01
250**214000.1 - 01.3
260**2-10000.9 - 00.5
270**2-17000.8 - 00.6

NS pair 5

Section b

Paul Beale
Stuart Anderson
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**313000.2 - 01.2
20**3-14000.4 - 01
30**3-11000.2 - 01.2
40**2-20000.1 - 01.3
50**20-999.9 - 0-999.9
60**211000.9 - 00.5
70**112000.7 - 00.7
88**743001 - 00.4
98**7-5000.7 - 00.7
100**910000.8 - 00.6
110**9-14000 - 01.4
120**9-17000 - 01.4
130**8-10000.2 - 01.2
140**809001.2 - 00.2
150**814000.9 - 00.5
160**7-5000.8 - 00.6
170**740000.9 - 00.5
180**7-15000 - 01.4
190**60-999.9 - 0-999.9
200**60-999.9 - 0-999.9
210**60600.2 - 01.2
220**5-15000.6 - 00.8
230**580001.4 - 00
240**5-17001.2 - 00.2
250**414000.1 - 01.3
260**4-11000.5 - 00.9
270**405001.4 - 00

NS pair 6

Section b

Janie Milan
Jock Jellyman
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**540000.6 - 00.8
20**5-14000.4 - 01
30**5-20000 - 01.4
40**4-20000.1 - 01.3
50**4-17000 - 01.4
60**412001.3 - 00.1
70**311000.4 - 01
87**914000.1 - 01.3
97**9-15000 - 01.4
100**209000.2 - 01.2
110**215000.5 - 00.9
120**205001 - 00.4
130**110000.8 - 00.6
140**1-20000.2 - 01.2
150**105000.5 - 00.9
160**9-17000.1 - 01.3
170**9-10000.1 - 01.3
180**920001.2 - 00.2
190**820001.4 - 00
200**811001 - 00.4
210**865000.8 - 00.6
220**70-999.9 - 0-999.9
230**70-999.9 - 0-999.9
240**70-999.9 - 0-999.9
250**642000.9 - 00.5
260**6-20000.2 - 01.2
270**6-15001.2 - 00.2

NS pair 7

Section b

Lynda Robertson
Doug Appleby
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**743001 - 00.4
20**7-14000.4 - 01
30**7-10000.4 - 01
40**611001.2 - 00.2
50**605001.2 - 00.2
60**610000.7 - 00.7
70**513000.9 - 00.5
86**246001.4 - 00
96**211001.2 - 00.2
100**410000.8 - 00.6
110**442001.4 - 00
120**4-11000.4 - 01
130**310000.8 - 00.6
140**3-20000.2 - 01.2
150**325001.4 - 00
160**214001.4 - 00
170**242001.3 - 00.1
180**243001.4 - 00
190**112001.2 - 00.2
200**120001.4 - 00
210**169001.4 - 00
220**9-11001.2 - 00.2
230**940000.9 - 00.5
240**9-42000.8 - 00.6
250**80-999.9 - 0-999.9
260**80-999.9 - 0-999.9
270**80-999.9 - 0-999.9

NS pair 8

Section b

Paula Davies
Shirley Jonasson
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**90-999.9 - 0-999.9
20**90-999.9 - 0-999.9
30**940001.4 - 00
40**8-10000.5 - 00.9
50**8-14000.4 - 01
60**8-5000.2 - 01.2
70**711000.4 - 01
85**443001 - 00.4
95**415001.4 - 00
100**610000.8 - 00.6
110**617000.9 - 00.5
120**610001.4 - 00
130**520001.3 - 00.1
140**5-17000.8 - 00.6
150**5-20000 - 01.4
160**4-17000.1 - 01.3
170**413000.7 - 00.7
180**405000.8 - 00.6
190**3-14000 - 01.4
200**310000.7 - 00.7
210**365000.8 - 00.6
220**2-21000.2 - 01.2
230**213000 - 01.4
240**2-14001.4 - 00
250**142000.9 - 00.5
260**1-10000.9 - 00.5
270**1-42000.2 - 01.2

NS pair 9

Section b

Beverley Williams
Clare Newlands
BdRdConDcLdResEW  Score  MP
10**243001 - 00.4
20**205001.2 - 00.2
30**210000.6 - 00.8
40**10-999.9 - 0-999.9
50**1-10000.9 - 00.5
60**10-999.9 - 0-999.9
70**915001.2 - 00.2
84**614000.1 - 01.3
94**6-10000.2 - 01.2
100**820001.4 - 00
110**817000.9 - 00.5
120**8-11000.4 - 01
130**710000.8 - 00.6
140**711001.4 - 00
150**715001.2 - 00.2
160**6-5000.8 - 00.6
170**6-5000.5 - 00.9
180**605000.8 - 00.6
190**5-10000.2 - 01.2
200**5-20000.2 - 01.2
210**565000.8 - 00.6
220**410001.4 - 00
230**468001.2 - 00.2
240**4-42000.8 - 00.6
250**345001.4 - 00
260**3-9001.4 - 00
270**3-42000.2 - 01.2