Oamaru Bridge Club        

 An affiliated member of Otago Southland Regional Bridge
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NS pairs

EW pairs

Hand records

Datum value is the average score. Where a bracketed value is included this is calculated without the outliers.
Detailed data for

Monday Brydone Champ Pairs (2021) 2 August

EW pair 1

Section a

Chris Oats
Clare Newlands
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
11**1-5000.9 - 01.3
21**1-15001.2 - 01
37**7-62000.8 - 01.4
47**710002.1 - 00.1
52**2-12001 - 01.2
62**2-17000.2 - 02
78**817002 - 00.2
88**8-10000.9 - 01.3
93**310002.2 - 00
103**3-62001.4 - 00.8
119**9-45000.6 - 01.6
129**911002 - 00.2
134**4-63001.2 - 01
144**411002 - 00.2
1510**10-10000.2 - 02
1610**1014001.6 - 00.6
175**505002 - 00.2
185**562001.5 - 00.7
1911**1150002.2 - 00
2011**1110001.6 - 00.6
216**614001.5 - 00.7
226**6-5000.6 - 01.6
2312**120-999.9 - 0-999.9
2412**120-999.9 - 0-999.9

EW pair 2

Section a

Janies Sister
Janie Milan
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
16**7-5000.9 - 01.3
26**705002 - 00.2
31**2-65000 - 02.2
41**2-62000.4 - 01.8
57**805001.9 - 00.3
67**813001.4 - 00.8
72**311001.1 - 01.1
82**3-11000.3 - 01.9
98**9-15001.5 - 00.7
108**9-65000.7 - 01.5
113**4-20002 - 00.2
123**4-11000.1 - 02.1
139**10-60002 - 00.2
149**10-11000 - 02.2
154**562001.4 - 00.8
164**520002.2 - 00
1710**11-10000.8 - 01.4
1810**1162001.5 - 00.7
195**611001 - 01.2
205**610001.6 - 00.6
2111**1214001.5 - 00.7
2211**12-5000.6 - 01.6
2312**10-999.9 - 0-999.9
2412**10-999.9 - 0-999.9

EW pair 3

Section a

Lyn Dunlop
Anne Ludemann
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
112**20-999.9 - 0-999.9
212**20-999.9 - 0-999.9
36**8-17002 - 00.2
46**8-62000.4 - 01.8
51**3-11001.3 - 00.9
61**313001.4 - 00.8
77**910000.7 - 01.5
87**9-11000.3 - 01.9
92**4-15001.5 - 00.7
102**4-62001.4 - 00.8
118**10-45000.6 - 01.6
128**1009001.3 - 00.9
133**5-62001.8 - 00.4
143**5-5001.1 - 01.1
159**1168002.2 - 00
169**1114001.6 - 00.6
174**6-20000 - 02.2
184**662001.5 - 00.7
1910**1218001.8 - 00.4
2010**12-11001 - 01.2
2111**160002.1 - 00.1
2211**142002.2 - 00
235**710000.7 - 01.5
245**748001.9 - 00.3

EW pair 4

Section a

Ann Coe
Betty Jameson
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
15**8-11000.2 - 02
25**8-40000.6 - 01.6
312**30-999.9 - 0-999.9
412**30-999.9 - 0-999.9
56**905001.9 - 00.3
66**9-62000 - 02.2
71**4-20000 - 02.2
81**4-11000.3 - 01.9
97**10-18001.1 - 01.1
107**10-65000.7 - 01.5
112**5-45000.6 - 01.6
122**5-11000.1 - 02.1
138**11-66000.4 - 01.8
148**11-5001.1 - 01.1
153**620001 - 01.2
163**611000.9 - 01.3
179**12-5001.5 - 00.7
189**1262001.5 - 00.7
1910**114001.4 - 00.8
2010**1-17000 - 02.2
214**7-10000.3 - 01.9
224**730002 - 00.2
2311**220001.7 - 00.5
2411**2-5000 - 02.2

EW pair 5

Section a

Rob Halcrow
Peter McLellan
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
111**3-5000.9 - 01.3
211**3-43000 - 02.2
35**9-62000.8 - 01.4
45**9-62000.4 - 01.8
512**40-999.9 - 0-999.9
612**40-999.9 - 0-999.9
76**1011001.1 - 01.1
86**1005001.8 - 00.4
91**5-63000.2 - 02
101**5-20001.8 - 00.4
117**11-42001.5 - 00.7
127**11-10000.6 - 01.6
132**6-63001.2 - 01
142**6-10000.3 - 01.9
158**1262001.4 - 00.8
168**1211000.9 - 01.3
179**1-5001.5 - 00.7
189**162001.5 - 00.7
193**714001.4 - 00.8
203**710001.6 - 00.6
2110**213001 - 01.2
2210**205001.1 - 01.1
234**8-62000 - 02.2
244**815001.6 - 00.6

EW pair 6

Section a

Bev Conlan
Kath Rawcliffe
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
14**9-5000.9 - 01.3
24**9-11001.8 - 00.4
311**4-20001.5 - 00.7
411**4-17001.4 - 00.8
55**10-12001 - 01.2
65**1011001.1 - 01.1
712**50-999.9 - 0-999.9
812**50-999.9 - 0-999.9
96**11-10002 - 00.2
106**11-11002.2 - 00
111**6-45000.6 - 01.6
121**6-10000.6 - 01.6
137**12-11002.2 - 00
147**12-5001.1 - 01.1
158**1-30000 - 02.2
168**111000.9 - 01.3
172**7-10000.8 - 01.4
182**762001.5 - 00.7
199**210000.7 - 01.5
209**220002.2 - 00
213**813001 - 01.2
223**814001.5 - 00.7
2310**310000.7 - 01.5
2410**305000.5 - 01.7

EW pair 7

Section a

Stephen Taylor
Mark Sinclair
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
110**410001.5 - 00.7
210**4-15001.2 - 01
34**10-62000.8 - 01.4
44**10-20001.1 - 01.1
511**5-15000.4 - 01.8
611**515001.9 - 00.3
75**1130002.2 - 00
85**1109002.2 - 00
912**60-999.9 - 0-999.9
1012**60-999.9 - 0-999.9
116**12-52000 - 02.2
126**1209001.3 - 00.9
137**1-69000 - 02.2
147**110001.8 - 00.4
151**717000.7 - 01.5
161**714001.6 - 00.6
178**211002.2 - 00
188**262001.5 - 00.7
192**8-5000.3 - 01.9
202**810001.6 - 00.6
219**3-10000.3 - 01.9
229**3-5000.6 - 01.6
233**914001.2 - 01
243**910001.1 - 01.1

EW pair 8

Section a

Sally Grant
Wayne Grant
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
13**10-13000 - 02.2
23**1010002.2 - 00
310**5-17002 - 00.2
410**5-17001.4 - 00.8
54**11-14000.7 - 01.5
64**1140002.2 - 00
711**6-10000.2 - 02
811**6-11000.3 - 01.9
95**12-15001.5 - 00.7
105**12-65000.7 - 01.5
116**1-42001.5 - 00.7
126**109001.3 - 00.9
1312**70-999.9 - 0-999.9
1412**70-999.9 - 0-999.9
157**220001 - 01.2
167**2-5000 - 02.2
171**8-5001.5 - 00.7
181**820000.7 - 01.5
198**3-10000 - 02.2
208**3-11001 - 01.2
212**911000.7 - 01.5
222**9-5000.6 - 01.6
239**4000.3 - 01.9
249**405000.5 - 01.7

EW pair 9

Section a

Judith Simpson
Jane Naish
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
19**542002.1 - 00.1
29**5-13001.5 - 00.7
33**11-17002 - 00.2
43**11-62000.4 - 01.8
510**605001.9 - 00.3
610**6-5000.7 - 01.5
74**1214001.6 - 00.6
84**12-5001.2 - 01
95**1-60000.7 - 01.5
105**1-14002 - 00.2
1111**705002.2 - 00
1211**711002 - 00.2
136**2-63001.2 - 01
146**2-10000.3 - 01.9
1512**80-999.9 - 0-999.9
1612**80-999.9 - 0-999.9
177**3-10000.8 - 01.4
187**317000.3 - 01.9
191**9-5000.3 - 01.9
201**9-14000.4 - 01.8
218**4-20000 - 02.2
228**414001.5 - 00.7
232**1020001.7 - 00.5
242**1005000.5 - 01.7

EW pair 10

Section a

Joan Chamberlain
Marilyn Farmer
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
12**1142002.1 - 00.1
22**11-40000.6 - 01.6
39**6-62000.8 - 01.4
49**6-14001.8 - 00.4
53**12-40000.2 - 02
63**12-10000.4 - 01.8
74**111001.1 - 01.1
84**1-5001.2 - 01
910**7-65000 - 02.2
1010**7-65000.7 - 01.5
115**2-45000.6 - 01.6
125**211002 - 00.2
1311**8-66000.4 - 01.8
1411**812002.2 - 00
156**365001.9 - 00.3
166**314001.6 - 00.6
1712**90-999.9 - 0-999.9
1812**90-999.9 - 0-999.9
197**420002 - 00.2
207**4-14000.4 - 01.8
211**1014001.5 - 00.7
221**10-13000 - 02.2
238**530002.2 - 00
248**550002.2 - 00

EW pair 11

Section a

Francee Verbakel
Lei Xia
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
18**6-5000.9 - 01.3
28**6-40000.6 - 01.6
32**12-62000.8 - 01.4
42**1210002.1 - 00.1
53**105001.9 - 00.3
63**110000.9 - 01.3
79**714001.6 - 00.6
89**705001.8 - 00.4
94**2-60000.7 - 01.5
104**2-65000.7 - 01.5
1110**8-42001.5 - 00.7
1210**809001.3 - 00.9
135**3-63001.2 - 01
145**3-5001.1 - 01.1
1511**905000.4 - 01.8
1611**910000.3 - 01.9
176**4-10000.8 - 01.4
186**417000.3 - 01.9
1912**100-999.9 - 0-999.9
2012**100-999.9 - 0-999.9
217**560002.1 - 00.1
227**514001.5 - 00.7
231**1110000.7 - 01.5
241**1115001.6 - 00.6

EW pair 12

Section a

Cathy Scott
Helen Beckingsale
BdRdConDcLdResNS  Score  MP
11**1217001.8 - 00.4
21**12-40000.6 - 01.6
32**1-62000.8 - 01.4
42**1-62000.4 - 01.8
58**7-43000 - 02.2
68**715001.9 - 00.3
73**209000.4 - 01.8
83**205001.8 - 00.4
99**8-60000.7 - 01.5
109**8-68000 - 02.2
114**3-42001.5 - 00.7
124**3-10000.6 - 01.6
1310**9-66000.4 - 01.8
1410**9-5001.1 - 01.1
155**465001.9 - 00.3
165**410000.3 - 01.9
1711**10-15000.2 - 02
1811**10-10000 - 02.2
196**511001 - 01.2
206**5-14000.4 - 01.8
2112**110-999.9 - 0-999.9
2212**110-999.9 - 0-999.9
237**620001.7 - 00.5
247**610001.1 - 01.1