Oamaru Bridge Club        

 An affiliated member of Otago Southland Regional Bridge
Archived results up to 2023

Results for events 2024+


Teams and Swiss


*Bronze and Silver combination requirements:

Each pair should be a combination of a Bronze - and a Silver Player.

This covers the Crombie & Price -. the M & J Geare 6 night Teams -, and Friday's March and August competitions.


*Substitute rules:

All substitutes must be notified to the Director prior to play commencing

A substitute cannot be a regular player in the same competition

A substitute score will only be used if insufficient with the regular partner

The score from the first substitute played with, is the only substitute score that can be used in a competition. (unless otherwise

specified in the rules for each competition) >see programme book


*Promotion Guidelines:

Promotion to the Silver Division is at invitation of the Committee.

The following guidelines are used by the committee:

Bronze players must have over the whole year (Mondays nights only)
1 - achieved an average score of 55.00 or more as worked out by the Scorer Programme.
2 - played on at least 10 nights (excluding teams competitions); and
3 - played with 5 or more different partners.

The assessment date is 31 October or after the last Championship Pairs round, which ever is later.