Wanaka Bridge Club        

 An affiliated member of Otago Southland Regional Bridge

Detailed Weekly Program for 2024

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Playing Sessions


MONDAY NIGHT: 7pm start. Please be seated by 6:50pm, Winter months 6.30pm start

Competitive bridge.

Silver/silver partnerships only: Championship Pairs, Cardrona Stakes, Roy Stakes, Glendhu Pairs, Makarora Pairs.

All other series: open to silver/bronze partnerships if the bronze player is invited by a silver player.


TUESDAY MORNING: 11.15am start. Please be seated by 11.10am.

Casual session suitable for all levels of play. Partnership restrictions at the discretion of the director. Bring your own lunch. Contact Heather 027-443-7347 if you need a partner.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT: 7pm start. Please be seated by 6:50pm, Winter months 6.30pm start

Competitive bridge.

Bronze/bronze partnerships only: Championship Pairs, Matukituki Pairs, Lindis Pairs, Hunter Pairs, Tarras Stakes.

Rippon Rosebowl: handicap event open to any partnership (bronze/bronze, bronze/silver, silver/silver).

All other series: open to bronze/silver partnerships if the silver player is invited by a bronze player.


FRIDAY AFTERNOON: 1.00pm start. Please be seated by 12:50pm.

Social bridge.

Open to all partnerships with no grading restrictions.



The club runs a WhatsApp groups to help you find a partner. Please contact Andrew Shaw on 0272303112 if you are visiting Wanaka and would like to join a coming session.


Table Money and Subscriptions

The table money for all sessions is $6.00 for members and non-members, including a cup of tea or coffee during play.


Annual subscriptions are $125 (including levies), and $62.50 for Country Members (those currently a member of another NZ Bridge affiliated Club). Subscriptions and table fees can be paid online, to account number 03-1739-0007694-00.


Teaching Programme

2024- Lessons start February 14th, if you are keen to learn please register your interest with Heather on 027 443 7347 or email wanakabridgeclub@fastmail.com