Wanaka Bridge Club        

 An affiliated member of Otago Southland Regional Bridge


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Library Books

Bridge Technique Series : Avoidance PlayBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2005
The term 'avoidance play' may seem intimidating, but in fact it means no more than preventing a particular defender from gaining the lead. You may think there is nothing particularly difficult about this, but of course, everything seems easy once you understand it yourself.There are plenty of players who would fail to make the majority of the contracts featured in this book. The basic principles of avoidance play are straightforward, but applying them is not always so easy. Rest assured that some serious challenges await you in these pages!
Bridge Technique Series : Deceptive Card PlayBird,DavidIntermediatePlay2000
"Deceptive card play is useful in disrupting the defenders' signalling and misleading the opponents about the strength or weakness you have in a suit. Creating losing options for the opposition will make you a sharper and more successful bridge player.
Includes lots of quizzes, summaries and practice hands."
Bridge Technique Series : Deceptive PlayBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
Why should you want to polish your technique in the area of deception? There are two very good reasons: first, give your opponents a chance to wrong and they will often take it! The second reason is that opportunities to use deception, either as declarer or defender, will arise on nearly every deal of every bridge session you play. So the rewards to be gained are considerable.
Bridge Technique Series : Defending Suit ContractsBird, DavidIntermediateDefence2005
A good text with lots of problems covering defense against a suit contract.
Bridge Technique Series : Defending No Trump ContractsBird, DavidIntermediateDefence2005
Why should you want to polish your defensive technique? There are two very good reasons. The first is that it is the hardest aspect of the game. Even expert defenders have to work on every deal. The more practice you have, the better you will get. The second reason is that in every bridge session you play, you will be a defender roughly twice as often as you will be declarer. So the rewards to be gained are considerable.
Bridge Technique Series : Defensive SignallingBird, DavidIntermediateDefence2001
"Defense is a hard aspect of bridge but it is also one of the most important. Giving information to your partner via accurate signalling will see you take more tricks and defeat more contracts. As well as a discussion of the basic defensive techniques, the authors make firm recommendations about which methods they believe are superior.
Includes lots of quizzes, summaries and practice hands."
Bridge Technique Series : Elimination PlaysBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2004
Why should you want to polish your elimination play technique? There are two very good reasons. The first is that it is a relatively easy play to perform. Often you will not even need to keep track of which cards have been played! The second reason is that the opportunities to use this technique, or to defend against it, will arise in nearly every bridge session you play. So the rewards to be gained are considerable.
Bridge Technique Series : Eliminations and Throw-InsBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2004
This handy book introduces the different forms of elimation play and will teach you about loser on loser plays, partial eliminations, throw-ins and just as importantly, how to defend against these techniques when the opposition is playing the hand.
Bridge Technique Series : Entry ManagementBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
This handy book will guide you through basic issues to do with managing your entries in a single suit. It then introduces ideas about creating entries in one's hand as well as how you can disrupt and kill easy communications between the oppositions' hands.
Bridge Technique Series : Entry Management (Practice)Bird, DavidIntermediatePlay2004
"This book is designed to accompany Entry Management Book #1 in the Bridge It will give you the opportunity to practice playing in contracts where special attention has to be paid to the entry situation.Before the problems section starts there is a brief review of some of the techniques required to create extra entries. These may suffice for solving some of the early problems in the book. Later on more advanced techniques will be required. Dont worry if you fail to spot the winning line of play when you first attempt a problem. The necessary technique will be clearly explained in the solution that follows.
Whether you find the problems in this book a gentle jog or a hard slog you are sure to enjoy the journey. Next time you face such situations at the table you will be much more likely to spot the solution."
Bridge Technique Series : Planning in DefenceBird, DavidIntermediateDefence2000
"Begins with a brief discussion of signals and discards, then moves onto how to choose the right opening lead, the basics of defense against suit and notrump contracts and why counting out a bridge hand is so important.
Includes lots of quizzes, summaries and practice hands."
Bridge Technique Series : Planning the Play in No TrumpBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
Notrump play is quite different to trump play - learn how to plan the play of a notrump hand, holding up stoppers and recognising the best suit to play in order to make enough tricks. Other topics are combining chances, keeping communications open between the two hands and when and why you should run your long suit.
Bridge Technique Series : Planning No Trump ContractsBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2005
This is a book of problems that will test your knowledge of the basic principles of playing notrump contracts, and the tactics available for developing extra tricks. The topics covered include hold-up plays, deciding which suit to attack, reading the opening lead, keeping the danger hand off play, combining your chances and exerting pressure on your opponents.
Bridge Technique Series : Planning Suit ContractsBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
Learn the basics of planning the play of a trump contract, how ruffing losers can create more tricks, timing the play of trumps correctly as well as why you need to establish a side suit and the importance of keeping the dangerous opponent off lead.
Bridge Technique Series : Planning Suit Contracts (Practice)Bird, DavidIntermediatePlay2004
It will give you the opportunity to practice planning declarer play in situations that involve many of the key techniques relevant to contracts in a trump suit. While we start out gently, it is only fair to tell you that by the end of this book you will be working hard. To solve the later problems you will need to understand not only how to make a plan but also some fairly advanced cardplay techniques. It will be an exciting journey, though, and the winning lines of play will be clearly explained in the solutions. By acquiring the discipline of always making a plan before you embark on a contract, you will greatly improve your results when you return to a real card table.
Bridge Technique Series : Reading the CardsBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2001
Learn to make assumptions from what the opponents have bid or not bid, and the cards they have played so far. You'll take more tricks as you learn to count a hand out and reconstruct the opponents hand shapes and strengths.
Bridge Technique Series : Reading the Cards (Practice)Bird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
The book will teach you how to play a hand via a dummy reversal, what a trump coup is (and how to counter it), scoring more tricks en passant, how to promote your little trumps, how to promote your partner's trumps via an uppercut, as well as more advanced topcis such as the smother play and the Devil's Coup.
Bridge Technique Series : Safety PlaysBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
A safety play is a declarer play technique that is a bit like "insurance" - it increases your chances of taking a certain number of tricks in suit, just in case the defenders' cards lie badly for you.
Bridge Technique Series : Safety Plays (Practice)Bird, DavidIntermediatePlay2005
Safety plays are card-play techniques that are used to maximise your chances of making a certain number of tricks often by giving up a trick that did not necessarily have to be lost.
Bridge Technique Series : The Simple SqueezeBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2005
It sometimes seems that expert players are able to see through the backs of the cards! Their finesses win more often, and they choose unerringly between alternative lines of play. There is a simple reason for this: they are adept at drawing the correct inferences about their opponents' hands, from the auction and the cards their opponents play to each trick. You can learn to do the same thing, if you are prepared to work a little.The basic principles of card-reading are straightforward, but applying them is not always so easy. Rest assured that some serious challenges await you in these pages!
Bridge Technique Series : Squeezes Made SimpleBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
Discusses the elements of a squeeze, how to plan a hand to execute a squeeze against one or both opponents and just as importantly, how to defend against a squeeze.
Bridge Technique Series : Tricks with FinessesBird, David & Smith, MarcIntermediatePlay2001
Did you know there are many types of finesses? This book will introduce you to more finesses than you thought imaginable and teach you why it's not always right just to take a simple finesse.
Bridge Technique Series : Tricks with TrumpsBird, DavidIntermediatePlay2000
The book will teach you how to play a hand via a dummy reversal, what a trump coup is (and how to counter it), scoring more tricks en passant, how to promote your little trumps, how to promote your partner's trumps via an uppercut, as well as more advanced topcis such as the smother play and the Devil's Coup.
Defensive Signalling at BridgeBird, DavidIntermediateDefence2010
Bird recommends a comprehensive set of signalling agreements, and analyzes more complex situations in the light of these agreements. Most of the chapters are followed by a quiz, and the answer to each signalling problem includes a full 52-card diagram to demonstrate the effectiveness of the recommended signal. The book finishes with a chapter that looks at the signalling methods of eight world-class pairs, with examples of their methods in action. A book any player who is looking to improve will want to read.
Winning Duplicate TacticsBird, DavidIntermediateBidding and Play2014
WINNER - 2015 American Bridge Teachers' Association Book of the Year David Bird explains what the best strategies are for Matchpoint bidding, play and defense. Ideal for those players just starting out on club and tournament play. 
Leading Questions in BridgeBrock, SallyIntermediateDefence2007
With only the bidding and his own thirteen cards as guidance the opening leader must make a decision that has the potential at one stroke to determine the outcome of the play for better or worse.In this book a top player and writer takes the reader through the questions that need to be asked before selecting an opening lead: whether to be active or passive whether to lead partner's suit or your own whether to lead trumps or not whether to try a deceptive lead and so on.These and many other issues are covered in an approachable book aimed at the player who wants to improve a key aspect of his game.
Beginners BridgeBrowne,DerrickBeginnerMaterial for Newcomers1998
This guide to learning bridge is structured over six chapters covering: - the basics of bridge - some early bidding principles - developing a game plan - further bidding guidelines. Each chapter is illustrated with example hands and concludes with a handy review, and a quiz.
Beginners PlayBrowne, DerrickBeginnerBidding and Play2014
This book provides a very basic introduction to key areas of card play, focusing on some fundamental principles of declarer play and defence. - Declaring no-trumps and leads against notrump contracts - Declaring suit contracts and leads against suit contracts - Finessing - Second and Third hand play. Each chapter is illustrated with example hands and concludes with a handy review, and a quiz. This book is intended to complement Beginner's Bridge, Derrick Browne's book on bidding for novice players.
To Bid or Not to BidCohen, LarryAdvancedCompetitive Bidding1992
WINNER - 1992 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year Voted # 6 - Best Bridge Book Ever Written The Law is a simple guide to making the right decisions in competitive bridge auctions. To Bid or Not to Bid was the best-selling bridge book of the 1990s - a clear and thorough exposition of The Law. Cohen illustrates his case for the importance of The Law with dozens of example hands takesn from real life tournaments. This is a book that every serious bridge player just has to read. The sequel to this book is Following the Law.
Larry Cohen's Bidding ChallengeCohen, LarryIntermediateBidding2002
Take a seat at some of the world's most famous and prestigious bridge tournaments. Bid the same hands the international experts held and compare your auctions and results to the actual results. Larry Cohen presents a series of hands and then discusses how the hands should have been bid and where the other expert players went wrong.
Bridge with Bells and WhistlesDufresne, Mary Ann & Ellingsen, MarionIntermediateBidding and Play2010
"WINNER - 2011 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year
This book conducts a thorough review of all the bidding ideas and concepts encountered in a Beginner course on bridge, and takes the reader beyond them, gently but firmly. The reader?s ideas on bidding will be refined, and a number of useful conventions suitable for this level of player are described and recommended. The material is written by two very experienced teachers, and includes features such as end-of-chapter reviews and quizzes to help reinforce the concepts."
Bridge ProtocolHeslopp, CarlaEveryoneGeneral2013
A guide to etiquette at the bridge table
One Trick at a TimeJackson, JimBidding & Play2012
The author does not claim to be a top-level expert, and admits that he made many mistakes on his way to earning the coveted title of Life Master. This book is intended to help others avoid those same mistakes, and to learn from those that they do make.Written in a conversational, non-technical style, this is a book that will help any intermediate player become a better bidder, a better declarer, a better defender, and a better partner the recipe for becoming a winner.
Advanced Bridge DefenceKantar, EdwinIntermediate to AdvancedDefence1999
WINNER - 1999 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year Designed to be used by students learning on their own or by bridge teachers this book contains a host of features that help the reader to grasp the material: clearly laid-out concepts margin notes practice hands chapter-end quizzes key-point summaries at regular intervals and an index.Sure  to be a standard reference work and teaching tool for many years to come. The topics covered here (including defensive strategy inferences various ways of counting the hand developing extra trump tricks falsecarding and lead-directing doubles) are handled so thoroughly that even more advanced players will benefit from studying this book. This book is intended to be read after the companion volume, Eddie Kantar Teaches Modern Bridge Defense.
Modern Bridge DefenceKantar, EdwinAdvanced to ExpertDefence1999
"WINNER - 1999 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year
Sure to become a standard reference work and teaching tool for many years to come.
The topics covered here (which include leads signaling second and third-hand play and discarding) are handled so thoroughly that even more advanced players will benefit from studying this book.
Designed to be used by students learning on their own or by bridge teachers this book contains a host of features that help the reader to grasp the material: clearly laid-out concepts margin notes practice hands chapter-end quizzes key-point summaries at regular intervals and an index.
It is intended to be read before the companion volume, Eddie Kantar Teaches Advanced Bridge Defense."
The No Trump ZoneKleinman, DannyIntermediate to AdvancedBidding Conventions2002
Kleinman discusses the principles behind notrump bids and rebids in a variety of situations emphasizing the ideas and concepts rather than attempting to teach a series of rigid rules.
The Modern Losing Trick CountKlinger, RonAdvancedHand Evaluation2011
"Too many players rely just on counting points when evaluating the strength of their hand. Better still is to evaluate its trick taking potential. When applicable it's much more accurate than high card points and often much simpler too.
The Modern Losing Trick Count discusses this method of hand evaluation and covers most of the standard bidding situations where it can and should be used. There are lots of detail and many examples, this book is ideal for anyone wishing to bid more accurately and win more often."
Guide to Better BridgeKlinger, RonIntermediateBidding and Play1991
Klingers popular intermediate and advanced lessons cover both good constructive and defensive bidding. Also includes sound card play technique
Guide to Better Card PlayKlinger, RonIntermediatePlay2001
Designed to help the average intermediate player reach a level of competent declarer play and defence.
Guide to Better Duplicate BridgeKlinger, RonIntermediateBidding and Play1995
Covers Matchpoint tactics and conventions that will help your scores. Very popular.
Ron Klingers Master ClassKlinger, RonIntermediateBidding and Play2004
In his new book, Ron Klinger has brought together and enlarged upon the ten key topics covered in his recent successful Master Class tour. With topics that range from bidding and opening leads to better card play and slams, this is a stimulating book for all players from one of the world’s leading bridge instructors.
When to Bid, When to PassKlinger, RonAdvancedHand Evaluation2002
Many players know how to bid but a key to success is often when not to bid. Ron Klinger will show you how. This book is divided into three sections: the uncontested auction, the contested auction and high level decisions based on having a fit with partner, or not. Great advice from Ron Klinger thoughout this book, on of his very best. A good complement to The Power of Shape.
A Bridge to Inspired Declarer PlayLaderman, JulianAdvancedPlay2009
"WINNER - 2009 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year
What features of a bridge hand lead an expert to select the correct line of play from all those available?This book addresses the thought processes that novice declarers must develop and practice.
The carefully chosen examples in this book will help advancing players to recognize those features and take action accordingly.
A Bridge to Simple SqueezesLaderman, JulianAdvancedPlay2007
"WINNER - 2006 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year Most bridge players find squeeze play the hardest technique to learn. It has unavoidable technical aspects that for many make it impenetrable.
In this award-winning book the reader is taken slowly and carefully through the basics and by the end will be confident that they too can execute simple squeezes at the table.This second edition reflects many enhancements and improvements made to the original version which was the 2006 American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year. Most bridge players find squeeze play the hardest technique to learn. It has unavoidable technical aspects that for many make it impenetrable."
Card CombinationsLawerence, MikeAdvancedPlay1988
Award winning guide to the best way of handling combinations of cards in different situations. Each chapter takes a principle helps the reader understand it and gives examples plus a quiz on the subject.
How to Read Your Opponents CardsLawerence, MikeAdvancedPlay1973
Voted # 11 - Best Bridge Book Ever Written A great help if you seem to guess right half the time or less when playing the dummy. Each chapter takes a principle, helps the reader understand it, and gives examples, plus a quiz on the subject.
Tips on BiddingLawerence, MikeIntermediateHand Evaluation2015
First published twenty years ago but all content in this book has been completely revised and modernised. Topics Include: The Three-Card Raise, Penalty Doubles, Pre-empts, The Fine Art of Hanging Partner.
House Of Cards Series : Declarer PlayMcVeigh, TinaBeginnerPlay2007
House Of Cards Series : Competitive BiddingMcVeigh, TinaBeginner to IntermediateBidding2007
House Of Cards Series : Slam BiddingMcVeigh, TinaBeginnerBidding2007
House Of Cards Series : Weak Twos & BeyondMcVeigh, TinaIntermediateBidding2007
House Of Cards Series : DefenceMcVeigh, TinaBeginnerDefence2007
House Of Cards Series : Double Without TroubleMcVeigh, TinaBeginner to IntermediateBidding2008
House Of Cards Series : No Trumps are EasyMcVeigh, TinaBeginnerPlay2010
House Of Cards Series : Partnership ManualMcVeigh, TinaBeginnerBidding2007
House Of Cards Series : Common Mistakes (With Cards)McVeigh, TinaBeginnerProblems and Quizzes2014
House Of Cards Series : Bridge TipsMcVeigh, TinaBeginner to IntermediateProblems and Quizzes2007
Introduction to BridgeMarston, PaulBeginnerMaterial for Newcomers1989
"You will find it easy to learn, despite what you might have heard. There is not a lot to memorise - it is more a matter of getting a feel for the game.
By the end of the book you can expect to be playing a sound basic game of bridge, even if you have never played cards before. This is not to say that you will know it all - there's always something new to learn at bridge. But you will be ready to take your place in the bridge world and that is something to really look forward to."
The Principles of Card PlayMarston, PaulIntermediatePlay1986
"So far you may have concentrated on your bidding but now you would like to play the cards well, both as declarer and defender. What a good position to be in! For a reasonable amount of effort you can difectly improve your results.
While each hand may occur as infrequently as Halley's Comet, most hands can be categorised and you will see the same old problems time after time. This means that you can be a successful card player without having a computer brain; you do not have to memorise endless figures. Just learn how to use a short list of principles and you will be well on the way.
Five percent of the hands may be complex but the rest are not. This book shows you how to play well on the straightforward ninety-five percent of the hands. It reveals the principles that constantly recur, then it demonstrates by example how you can take advantage of them."
The Language of BiddingMarston, PaulIntermediateBidding1992
"The Language of Bidding shows you how to bid well. You have to know these things to be a good bridge player.
The system is Standard with weak twos (the most widely used method in the world). It covers both four and five card majors. When you would choose a different bid depending on which of the two you are playing, the alternatives are noted.
There are three sections: the first nine chapters cover uncontested auctions, the next four cover competitive auctions and the last two cover tournament play. The best way to learn a new skill is to try it out; this book gives you three great ways to do this. Each of the thirteen chapters has a quiz. They also have four practice hands for you to play. (You can make them up from strips in the back of the book.)
The hands illustrate the bidding and they contain card play pointers. On top of this, chapters two to thirteen each have twelve bidding practice hands. You turn to one page while your partner turns to another. Then you can compare your auctions with my recommendations. While you have to learn quite a few things before you can be considered to be an expert bidder, the process of finding out is both fulfilling and fun."
All About No TrumpsMarston, PaulIntermediateBidding and Play2009
"Unlike suit bids, all notrump calls limit the hand within two or three points which simplifies the responder's task of deciding whether to go to game, possibly slam. You cannot get ahead until you understand this structure.
Playing in notrumps is also satisfying. It is usually a race between the declarer and the defenders to set up tricks. Making the contract means winning the race. Good play and defence in notrumps calls for an understanding of the different ways that you can take tricks and an awareness of timing. but many players don't have these skills.
How often have you heard the desperate gasp: 'I hate playing notrumps'? For these players, notrumps is a time of tension instead of the rewarding adventure that it should be. This books aims to put all that right. You will learn about the structure of notrump bidding and the essential priciples of notrump play. After reading this book, you will know when to bid notrumps. What's more, you will relish the oppotunity to do so.
Chapter one deals with notrump opening bids; chapter two covers responding to notrump bids on balanced hands; chapter three, responding on unbalanced hands; chapter four explains when a notrump bid is a description of the hand and when it's a choice of contract, an important difference that causes much confusion; and chapter five deals with the Stayman convention. Each chapter has two card play tips: one for the declarer and another for the defenders. These are then illustrated in the four play hands at the end of each chapter."
Opening Two BidsMarston, PaulIntermediateBidding1992
"These days there is only one way to play your opening two bids: 2C for strong hands and 2D/H/S for shapely hands of below opening strength. By using 2C for all your strong hands you keep the other bids free for attack. Now you can hit them with weak twos or multi twos.
The first two chapters are on weak twos and the strong 2C. Weak twos are the most widely played twobid structure in the world. The reasons are not hard to find. They are logical. If it makes sense to open three with 6-10 HCP and a seven card suit, doesn't it make sense to open two with a six card suit? Being logical, they are easy to use. Even beginners can expect to use them properly by simply reading chapter one. And they are effective. When you open with a weak two you put your side in control.
Chapter three is about multi twos. Multi twos, a variation on the weak two theme, have become standard fare for experts. All 48 pairs that made the quarter finals in the 1991 Bermuda Bowl in Yokohama used multi twos in one form or another along with a strong two clubs (except a couple of strong club pairs). No-one used 2D/H or S as a strong bid. You won't get a clearer vote than that.
With all this destructive weaponry out there, it makes sense to give some thought to defending yourself. Chapter Four shows you an effective way to fight back.
All the chapters have quizzes. The first wo chapters also have practice hands with make-up strips, making them the ideal for a partnership that is upgrading methods or a teacher giving classes."
A First Book of Bridge ProblemsO’Connor, PatBeginnerProblems and Quizzes2011
"WINNER - 2012 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year
The hands are presented to the reader as they would encounter them playing at the table. Unlike in a textbook, where topics are introduced systematically, there is no clue as to what type of play is required.
Experienced players recognize certain standard situations without having to work them out. This does not apply to novices, who spend a lot of mental effort on them. The book will help the novice player to develop their recognition of these situations."
A Second Book of Bridge ProblemsO’Connor, PatBeginnerProblems and Quizzes2013
"WINNER - 2014 American Bridge Teachers' Association Book of the Year
Like O’Connor’s A First Book of Bridge Problems, ABTA Book of the Year for 2012, The problems are slightly more advanced than those in the first book."
Clues from the BiddingPottage, JulianAdvancedProblems and Quizzes2003
Defenders invariably base their strategy on declarer's bidding. Yet so often declarers fail to return the compliment. They flail away without a thought of what the defenders have or have not done.
Bridge problems for a new MillenniumPottage, JulianAdvancedProblems and Quizzes2001
The hands are organized by theme so readers are able to concentrate on a particular aspect of card-play if they wish.
Play or DefendPottage, JulianAdvancedProblems and Quizzes2003
"WINNER - 2004 - International Bridge Press Association Book of the Year
A fascinating challenge for the advancing player."
Why You Still Lose at BridgePottage, JulianIntermediate to AdvancedBidding and Play2014
Julian Pottage uses the same characters to discuss common failings of modern club players – misdescribing your shape, overvaluing your hand, bidding the wrong slam, playing a flawed system, giving the wrong signal, making losing leads, and many more.
Thinking on DefensePriebe, JimIntermediate to AdvancedDefence2001
Just one bid from an opponent may tip off declarer to the winning play - perhaps warning of a bad break or that a finesse is doomed. When the defenders have made several bids the declarer may be able to make spectacular double-dummy plays. The problems in this book all contains situations where an astute declarer can listen to the bidding, or lack of it, and derive information critical to the success of his contract.
Positive Declarer PlayReese, TerranceIntermediate to AdvancedPlay2005
This book was originally published in 1990, and in this new edition is substantially revised and expanded.
Positive DefenseReese, TerranceIntermediate to AdvancedDefence2005
It is a collection of bridge problems designed to teach players how to think along the right lines at the bridge table. Anyone who absorbs even a fraction of the ideas presented here will himself making contracts that might have been defeated and defeating contracts that might have been made.
The Rodwell FilesRodwell, EricAdvancedPlay2011
WINNER - 2011 - International Bridge Press Association Book of the Year. First, Rodwell describes and explains how to analyze a bridge hand: the building blocks of analysis, the thought process, and how to defog when you get bogged down. Then he describes a host of innovative ideas in cardplay, stratagems that can be used as declarer or defender. While top experts will be familiar with some of these, almost all will be new to anyone below the bridge stratosphere. Finally, under the heading The DOs and DON'Ts of Bridge, Rodwell talks about the mental side of the game: areas where every player often goes wrong in his approach to the problem at hand, areas that mark the key differences between an average player and a successful one. The first draft of this book has been in existence for more than twenty years, but it is only now that Rodwell is prepared to allow his secrets to become public knowledge.
How Good is your BridgeRoth, DannyAdvancedPlay2007
"WINNER - 2008 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year
The author presents a series of card play problems and assigns the reader a score based on how close to the optimal solution they get. Readers can expect their scores to improve as they work through the book inevitably learning as they go."
Play Bridge with MeRoudinesco, Jean-MarcIntermediate to AdvancedProblems and Quizzes1980
Forty problems in card play by a European Champion
Declarer Play at Bridge A Quiz BookSeagram, BarbaraBeginner to IntermediatePlay2012
This is not just a series of problem hands, however.  Each section contains a brief introduction of its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout. Bridge teachers and students will find this book invaluable.
Defensive Play at Bridge A Quiz BookSeagram, BarbaraBeginner to IntermediateDefence2013
This book gives near-beginners a chance to practice the principles on which sound defense is based.
Planning the Play of a Bridge HandSeagram, BarbaraBeginner to IntermediatePlay2009
WINNER - 2005 - American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year - Beginner Level The hard part is learning when each applies. There is that terrible moment when the dummy comes down and the novice declarer has no idea even how to start thinking about the right things. This book starting from the basics explains how to make a plan as declarer. The reader learns how to recognize which technique to apply on a given deal both in notrump contracts and suit contracts. By the end of the book readers will be comfortable with slightly more advanced material such as entry management and elementary counting.
25 Acol Bridge Conventions You Should KnowSeagram, Barbara and Smith, MarcIntermediateBidding Conventions1999
Even if you just play socially, it can't hurt to add a few choice gadgets to your bidding arsenal. This book describes and explains 25 basic conventions that you can easily assimilate into your own bidding. Each one is clearly and simply explained, and you'll see how it fits in the ACOL system if you decide to use it. Each chapter includes a helpful summary of key points and a quiz with full explanations of all the answers.
Practice Your Bidding - Four Suit TransfersSeagram, Barbara and Starc, AndyIntermediateBidding Conventions2004
With this handy little book you can: Learn a new convention or extend your knowledge of it. Learn and practice by yourself using the unique quiz format.
Practice Your Bidding - Jacoby TransfersSeagram, Barbara and Starc, AndyIntermediateBidding Conventions2004
Learn what are Jacoby Transfers, when to use Jacoby transfers and what to do in competitive auctions.
Practice Your Bidding - Jacoby 2NTSeagram, Barbara and Lee, LindaIntermediateBidding Conventions2003
The purpose of this book is to help you and your partner practice the Jacoby 2NT convention and understand better how it is used.
Practice Your Bidding - Stayman AuctionsSeagram, Barbara and Lee, LindaBeginner to IntermediateBidding Conventions2004
"Learn how Stayman works, when you should use it, and how to follow up with invitational and game-going hands.
Includes many quizzes and practice hands."
Why You Lose at BridgeSimon, SJEveryoneHumour1945
Voted # 1 - Best Bridge Book Ever Written A wealth of common sense, philosophy, and 'how to attain the best result possible.'
Getting into the BiddingTreble, BillAdvancedCompetitive Bidding2012
This text covers the basic building blocks of competitive bidding (takeout and negative doubles, preempts, overcalls, competing over their notrump openings and dealing with competition over your own, forcing pass auctions, the Law of Total Tricks, and others). It describes a number of useful conventions and gadgets with which the reader needs to be familiar, and suggests other optional treatments for partnership discussion. Each chapter ends with reviews and quizzes, and the final chapter is a summary quiz covering all the material.This book will fill a major gap in bridge literature most books on this topic are intended for expert-level players.
Defending at BridgeTreble, BillBeginner to IntermediateDefence2016
"WINNER - 2017 American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year Award
This wonderful text on defending for newcomers is structured around eight lessons, covering the things you really need to know."
Winning Declarer PlayTruscott, DorothyBeginner to IntermediateBidding and Play2014
"Dorothy had a unique ability to make complex bridge concepts simple to understand, and everything here, from the basics to the most complicated squeeze or endplay, is described in an interesting and easy-to-follow way.
In addition to the technical material, the reader will also learn when and how to use deceptive tactics to give the opponents a chance to make mistakes. Each chapter has many sample hands to test and challenge the reader."
Bid Better, Play BetterTruscott, DorothyIntermediateBidding and Play1986
"Voted # 14 - Best Bridge Book Ever Written
It helps a beginner follow the road to expertise, and allows a traditional bidder to move into the world of modern bidding. Quizzes at the end of most chapters permit readers to test themselves."
Partnership DefenceWoolsey, KitIntermediate to AdvancedDefence1980
A detailed discussion of signals, leads, matchpoints, defensive conventions and protecting partner. Quizzes and a unique partnership test at the end.